Reclaim Your Confidence
Art Therapy and Life Coaching for Women & Girls
In-person in Florence and online throughout South Carolina
Life Coaching available online across the US
A lump forms in your throat as you enter the room.
Your ears burn red, and your palms grow clammy.
As you fumble to wipe your hands on the hem of your skirt, you trip over the threshold.
A familiar voice shouts your name, “Speak o’ the devil…,” as your thoughts begin to spin:
They must have been talking about me. I hope it wasn’t anything bad.
Oh, no! Everybody’s looking at me. Now, what? Say something clever, quick!!
You manage to shelter safely in a corner – smiling and nodding, maintaining surface-level conversation, doing your best to hide from the staring eyes and probing questions.
Your chaotic mind takes over…
Later, as you pull out of the parking lot, your inner-critic returns to remind you of all the stupid things you said and did. That familiar voice grows louder, bullying you the entire way home, yelling on repeat:
You don’t belong.
You can’t even hold a conversation with people. Nobody cares what you have to say.
You will never be good enough!
So, you arrive home and zone-out, binge-watching another series with the hope of at least momentarily muffling that obnoxious and incessant voice in your head.
It’s hard to shake the feeling that your life has become monotonous.
Day in and day out, the same old things happen.
Sometimes, you read the headlines or try to go deeper into your feelings. But when you do, you feel like you might drown in them.
You once had dreams – to become a famous fashion designer, to be a CEO, to do something memorable, to leave your legacy.
Then, life, well, it just seemed to happen to you.
Somewhere along the way, you forgot to take action but life just kept moving, and you got left behind…
Your energy is drained. Your confidence is nonexistent.
You phase between states of survival and auto-pilot.
NOTHING ever seems to change.
What if life didn’t have to be this way?
Sure, it’s simpler when you stay to yourself, keep your voice small, and don’t share your feelings.
It’s easier just to go along and allow the things around you to happen to you.
But the end result of coasting like this is losing who you actually are and how you want to live.
Something brought you here.
You’ve finally decided that something’s got to change; since the world ain’t in any rush to, you figure maybe you can.
And I’m here to help.
If you are ready to make massive changes in your life, you came to the right place.
In just a few art therapy sessions, you will begin to see movement inward, toward your most essential self, toward a life that feels
more aligned with who you truly are.
The journey toward wholeness is challenging,
and I will be with you every step of the way.
Hi, I’m Jordan.
I focus primarily on helping women who struggle with low self-esteem, poor boundaries, negative self-talk, and lack of confidence.
Through their partnership with me, women uncover inner resources and discover their innate strength and resilience.
As they reconnect with themselves, they learn to be assertive creators of their lives, express their needs, and claim authority over their own path.
Soon, clients develop the confidence they’ve yearned for and the ability to live a life they are proud of.
Reach out now, and we can take that first step.

Let’s create the change you want to see in your life!
Learn new coping skills and heal emotional wounds while
reconnecting with who you were meant to be.
You are worthy. You are enough. You are wholly beautiful.
It’s time to take back control.