Challenges continue, even after healing.
You close out your last therapy or coaching session, ready to take the world by storm.
Laying your head on the pillow that night, you feel a sense of relief.
The energy of motivation is racing through your veins. You fall asleep knowing that all is well in your world.
Or is it?
Clang… Clang… Clang
The ringing of your alarm awakens you. Thoughts begin racing through your mind.
“I didn’t get enough sleep. I have so much to do today. I almost forgot about that meeting this afternoon. Oh no, I haven’t prepared enough. I don’t have time to prepare.”
Your thoughts continue to race as you jump out of bed and pull on clothes. Suddenly, you remember that your weekly session – that space of time where you know you can vent, plan, express yourself, and have no judgment thrown on you – is no longer on the schedule.
Your heart seems to plummet into your stomach.
You have options.
Life always keeps going. There are no pause buttons or rewind buttons. But what if there was a support button?
Transitions are inherently challenging, no matter the preparation. Sometimes, you need the space to grow without the grief of suddenly losing support in the process. For this reason, Wholly Beautiful offers previous clients extended support past the close of their sessions.
When choosing the extended support option, you can reach out in those moments where you question yourself, your emotions, goals, or planning.
I’m one message away, and more often than not, you’ll receive an encouraging message at just the right time or before you even wake up in the morning.
Here’s how Extended Support works.
First, you talk with me to see if extended support is a good option for you. This option looks a little different for everyone based on the relationship built between you and me throughout our time together, either in art therapy or life coaching.
Once you’re signed up, you’ll receive encouraging messages throughout your week and have opportunities for direct communication when you struggle with self-doubt, holding boundaries, or need a little push in the right direction.
Sending me a message is straightforward. You can choose to record a voice message or text a quick note over. I’ll send encouragement back to you in the form of a funny GIF, a powerful quote, or an insightful question for you to process. You will also receive reminders of what has or hasn’t worked in the past for you.
Depending on your needs, I’ll even send you an art directive at times to keep your creative juices flowing and help you maintain a deeper connection with your wisdom.
Extended support is invaluable to your continued growth and clarity.
By the time you transition away from individual sessions, you will already have grown immensely and gained inner and outer resources that make life easier and more enjoyable.
However, there are times when you may need some encouragement in the transition. And that is what makes extended support so invaluable – you will continue to be reminded of your strengths so you can move forward with confidence.
Don’t worry! You can always schedule an individual session in the future if you need something more in-depth than a quick affirming message.