Mimicking others seems to be the best alternative.
“Integrate pranayama in your ujjayi. Breathing in and breathing out.” A frown forms on your face. “What the…?”
“Activate the Buddhi and uddiyana bandha.” Your brow begins to furrow. “Buddy-ya… Ooo-dee-ya – what, what?”
“Lifting the arms upward, Tadasana. And uttanasana.”
You open your eyes to see everyone doing the same thing, quickly following along.
Confusion defeats any desire to participate.
The instructor is speaking so swiftly and with ease that you want to match each pose with the same ease, but the inner critic gets the best of you. The constant berating in your mind gets louder and louder. Even if you could hear, you still wouldn’t know what was happening.
After an eternity, you sneak out the back, hoping that nobody noticed the door slamming behind you. You arrive home to feel defeated and deflated. “I am NEVER going back there again,” you tell yourself.
Later, you tell friends and family about when you tried yoga and didn’t like it. It was ‘too slow,’ and you aren’t flexible enough. “Yoga isn’t for me,” you tell everyone.
But, deep down, you feel intimidated by the yogic terminology, your body, the instructor, and ALL THE PERFECT PEOPLE.
Let’s change the story you’re telling yourself.
Don’t worry; you are not alone. I hear this story from women time and time again. The narrative changes, but the plot stays the same.
Feeling good about your body and confidence in your own skin are things you desire.
Although you want to give yoga a real shot, your mind says otherwise.
How is it possible to try yoga when you feel as though your mind is against you and everyone else seems so poised and elegant?
Let’s cultivate the confidence you need in the yoga studio.
I have created a 6- to 8-session series just for you. In each session, you will learn about basic Sanskrit (yogic terminology), asanas (yoga poses), and modifications so that you can enter the yoga studio with body confidence.
In addition to learning about yoga, we will focus on challenging those inner thoughts that make you feel inferior and unworthy in your own body. You will get to know your body intimately and experience the power of finding what feels good on and off the mat.
This series is a GAME-CHANGER. You will feel better about yourself, stand taller, and walk with sure footing – not only in the yoga studio, but also at work and even in your house.
And as one of my current or previous clients, you get the option to add this series to your art therapy or life coaching sessions at a reduced rate.
Contact me now to find out more!