Finding a connection with your child is challenging.
She is getting older, and you can’t seem to figure her out. It’s different because you don’t remember having all these big feelings when you were a kid. But you must have, right?
You’ve tried EVERYTHING to reconnect with her again, like when she was little and would run into your arms as you called out to her. You miss those days terribly.
Her well-being is an essential concern for you; but let’s face it, sometimes you need a break from the attitude, yelling, or crying. WHY all the crying?
The moment her face begins to squinch up, or she casts her eyes down and turns away, your heart drops to your feet. You begin to question what you said or did. You reassure her that you love her and she is the most awesome kid you know.
Nothing seems to help.
Your once vibrant and starry-eyed little girl has grown into someone that hides things from you, isolates herself in her room, and refuses to talk anymore.
She used to tell you everything, and now, you’re lucky to get more than three words out of her in a day – mainly consisting of “g’morning,” “good,” and “night.”
Unless there is yelling involved, she suddenly has ALOT to say.
Growing up is hard work.
Emotions are full throttle as young girls cross into those pre-teen years. Suddenly, her world becomes more extensive than just herself and the four walls around her.
Media and society push for perfection in an unforgiving world. She begins to think abstractly and understands more about the world; she has more questions than answers.
As a parent, it is difficult to accept that your child may need someone else to talk with about her emotions, relationships, and difficulties.
However, your acceptance could be the one thing she needs to fully blossom and grow into the independent young woman you know she will be.
Let’s work to make things easier.
I provide growing young girls, ages nine and up, a space to explore their emotions and experiences in a healthy, life-enhancing way.
By working with me, your daughter will get to know herself fully, reconnect with her creativity, learn about breathwork and mindfulness techniques, and live from her worth.
We will work together to create a combination of services that fits her needs. A combination of art therapy, yoga, life coaching, mindfulness, and/or meditation will provide a solid foundation for cultivating confidence and well-being far beyond her time spent with me.
Her experience in the Wholly Beautiful studio space could change her future trajectory.
Reach out to me today to schedule a free consultation.