Wellness Workshops or Collaborative Retreats
These workshops and retreats include a combination of art therapy and/or life coaching, yoga, and meditation.
Stand-alone workshops offered through Wholly Beautiful provide profound insight for groups of people with the same or similar goals in mind. Similarly, Wholly Beautiful also collaborates to offer wellness options to organizational and company retreats.
The design of workshops and collaborations is to cater to the needs of your group, company, organization, or brand. Ensuring your satisfaction, I offer free consultations to discuss any specifications based on your group needs.
Open Events & Workshops
Women’s Art Therapy + Meditation Group
Weekly Groups beginning in November
$25 per session
Sessions will begin with a 10-15 minute guided-meditation, targeting breath work and grounding techniques. Then, group members will be invited to engage in art therapy directives directed toward shifting perspective, gaining insight, and encouraging unconditional self-love.
Girls Art + Well-Being Group
Beginning in November – Weekly session after school
For girls ages 8-12 years old, this group is perfect for motivating and encouraging children to become the best version of themselves. At this age, girls are highly impressionable and often find themselves playing a game of tug-a-war while desiring the acceptance of their peers but also wanting to please their parents, guardians, or authority figures. The pressure is great and can become overwhelming, especially with the swiftly moving advancements of technology readily available at our kids’ fingertips.
In this group, your child will learn about coping skills and healthy communication. Her confidence will increase as she makes friends, engages in creativity, and learns to accept herself without leaning into peer pressure. When in this weekly group, she will know that she is worthy of life, good enough just the way she is, and that she is wholly beautiful.
Past Events and Workshops include the following:
2022 Girls Art + Well-Being Summer Camp in South Carolina – For Girls 9-12yo, this camp offered art therapy, yoga practice, and breathing techniques. The girls engaged in healthy conversations about anxieties they encounter daily and learned about coping skills to help with internal and external conflicts.
2022 Art Therapy in South Carolina – This was a collaborative workshop with Balance Yoga that emphasized creating luminarias and practicing meditation to counter the effects of Kapha season.
2022 Art Therapy in Florida – This collaboration was a Wholly Human Yoga Retreat with the Pointe of Grace Project. Ladies created prayer flags that celebrate what it means to be wholly human.
2021 Art Therapy in North Carolina – The design of the online Bible Cluster hosted by Engage Art Contest emphasized art inspired by gratitude for all God has provided.
2021 Wellness Workshops in North Carolina – Residential clients at HopeWay mental health facility participated in this workshop. The emphasis was on creating art, practicing yoga and meditation, and relieving symptoms of anxiety and depression.